I planned a "life break" in June of 2023 to reset my brain by hopping in my truck and heading north for what would become a 10,000-mile solo journey spanning 45 days. In short, pack my gear, get in the truck, and go explore with no time restraints! I made a list of every must-see area and an objective to check every box. The plan was to trek from my home in Arizona north through the Canadian regions of Alberta and the Yukon Territory and then into Alaska to explore everything on my way to Deadhorse, Alaska. I drove some pretty amazing roadways in Alaska called "Highways," but they are not what you would picture when you say "Highway." They are two-lane dirt roads that may or may not be drivable depending on their condition or the time of year. So, why was Deadhorse, Alaska, my main northern goal? Because it is as far north as you can drive in the Americas. It is 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and the road ends when it meets the Arctic Ocean in Prudhoe Bay in the North Slope Borough. After reaching Deadhorse, I headed south to explore as much of Alaska as possible. Then, I worked my way down British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and back home to AZ. Just know I have more unique stories of my trip than photos, but that is for another time...